The annual awards are our chance to recognise members of the NHS Lothian team who regularly go above and beyond the call of duty and we thank the winners for the hard work, care and dedication they show.
Celebrating Success Award Winners 2016

Improving Patient Access
South East Scotland Healthcare Services for People in Police Custody and Forensic Medical Services team impressed the judges with their dedication and enthusiasm in initiating new treatments and projects providing safe, effective, patient-centred care.
Mentor of the Year
Yvonne Dickson, Deputy Manager, Domestic Services, Western General Hospital scooped this award for her contribution to the Project SEARCH programme.
Best Example of Quality, Innovation and Productivity
Enhanced Recovery After Caesarean Section Team, Maternity Services won for the team’s multidisciplinary approach to improving the quality of care delivered to patients.
Lynn Jackson Nurse of the Year Award
Maureen Pearson, Nursery Nurse, Ward 211, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh took the gong for her exceptional caring and professional attitude to the mums and babies in her care.
Voluntary Service Award
Frank Milloy and Colin Penman, ‘Lary Buddy’ volunteers, Speech and Language Therapy (Head and Neck Cancer) Department, St John’s Hospital stood out for giving so freely of their time and energy to help other patients despite their own health issues.
Staff Member of the Year
Jenny Jacob, Staff Nurse, Edinburgh Cancer Centre, Western General Hospital. Jenny was singled out by the judges for her outstanding patient care and in particular her compassion and devotion.
Team of the Year
ELSIE (East Lothian Service for Integrated Care for the Elderly), The Hub, Roodlands Hospital, Haddington, were singled out for their innovative team work and their commitment and dedication to improving and developing these services for patients within East Lothian.
Respect for Others
Leading Across Difference Project, Comely Bank Centre, Edinburgh, took the top prize for improving career opportunities for Black and Minority Ethnic nurses.
Caring Champion of the Year
Joyce Ryan, Ward Clerkess, Orchard Clinic, Royal Edinburgh Hospital won the judges over going the extra mile assisting patients and staff.
Health Hero
SANDS Team, St John’s Hospital won the only publicly nominated award for going above and beyond to deliver the best care at the saddest of times.