Staff Celebrating their Award
Celebrating Success Badge

Nominations (Staff)

Don’t delay, get your nomination in as soon as you can and help us celebrate the commitment and dedication of our staff who go above and beyond in their day-to-day work.

Nominations will be open until 11th April 2025.

Are you an NHS Lothian staff member?

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Criteria for staff nominating teams or individuals

You will need to detail the following:

For team/individual nominations

  • A brief description of the individual/team’s work
  • The way in which their contribution is exemplary

For specific projects

  • A brief description of the project and reasons it was started
  • Project objectives, and how outcomes were measured
  • The way in which the project is exemplary
Fields marked with an * are required

Celebrating Success Nomination Form (Staff)

This form is for NHS Lothian staff. If you are a member of the public wanting to nominate a health hero please use the public nomination form.

  • Nominations will only be accepted via this online form or a downloadable version which can be emailed to loth.celebratingsuccess@nhs.scot
  • You can submit as many nominations as you wish and you may submit the same entry to more than one category but you must submit a separate form for each entry
  • All abbreviations should be explained in full the first time they are used
  • Please read the category descriptions and evidence the criteria the judges are looking for 
  • You can also read our hints and tips on writing a nomination
  • Please note that supporting documents outwith the nomination form will not be accepted

Please enter YOUR contact details as the person making the nomination

Please provide details of THE PERSON/TEAM being nominated

Based on your individual or team selection you can nominate in one of the categories from the drop-down menu below. Please ensure you select the category which best fits your nomination. 

Is this entry being nominated separately in any other category? *

Please provide details of your nomination ensuring the correct names and spelling. Any abbreviations should be typed out in full. 

If your nomination is shortlisted this is how names and job titles will appear on the website, social media and finalist certificates.

In no more than 500 words, please provide details of why your nomination should be shortlisted for an award evidencing the category criteria where possible? 

You should aim to include a brief description of their work and the way in which their contribution is exemplary. If it is about a specific project please also provide an overview of any objectives and how outcomes were measured.

Information Supporting Your Nomination * - This form only allows a maximum of 500 words. If you go above this it will type over what you have entered.
500 of 500 Words Remaining

Please review your entry now. Once you click submit you will no longer be able to make any changes. 

The annual NHS Lothian Celebrating Success Awards recognise staff who embrace the organisation’s core values of care and compassion, dignity and respect, quality, teamwork and openness, honesty and responsibility.