Category: Patient Story

The Royal Hospital for Children and Young People was recently showcased in the hit CBBC children's television series, "Operation Ouch!".
October 8, 2024

A devastated mother is calling on families to talk about organ and tissue donation after her “kind” son saved the lives of three people.
September 26, 2024

A couple are celebrating after beating massive odds of one in 700,000 to give birth to FOUR beautiful baby boys. Arlene and John Mitchell, from Longridge in West Lothian, have welcomed a rare set of quadruplets into the world - making them the first naturally conceived quads ever born in Lothian.
July 2, 2024

A loving dad has given his son an amazing second chance by donating his kidney to save him from an incurable disease. James MacDonald, 57, gave his son the gift of life after Craig, 28, developed chronic kidney failure. The disease had reduced Craig’s kidney function by a staggering 92% and his mum, dad, older
March 14, 2024

An Edinburgh children’s hospital has become one of the first in Scotland to use a virtual reality headset to help children prepare for surgery. Patients at the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People (RHCYP) will now be able to prepare for surgery through an immersive virtual reality (VR) experience. Thanks to funding from the Hearts &
February 7, 2024

Fertility experts in Lothian have urged more people to step forward and help scores of couples to have a baby. They are asking more kind-hearted people to become egg and sperm donors to give other people the chance of becoming parents. The clinicians from Edinburgh Fertility Centre at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, joined the
November 24, 2023

A mother who made the brave decision to save the lives of three other people and give another the gift of sight has urged more people to discuss organ donation with their families. Debbie Young, 53, from Edinburgh, made the courageous decision to donate her daughter’s organs when she died two years ago. Her daughter,
September 20, 2023

A man who became the youngest kidney donor in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh has completed a charity bungee jump to thank the Renal Transplant Unit for saving his dad’s life. Josh Salmond, from Methil, Fife, was just 21 when he gave his father Jimmy, 55, the gift of life after his kidneys stopped functioning
August 2, 2023

Cutting-edge equipment for examining premature and sick babies is now in place at the Neonatal Unit in the Simpson Centre for Reproductive Health in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh thanks to a £73,000 fundraiser by Specsavers stores across Scotland. Teams from across the business raised the money after being moved by the story of colleague
July 26, 2023

The Lothians & Edinburgh Abstinence Programme (LEAP) has become the first rehabilitation service in Scotland to hire people with lived experience to bridge the gap between community treatment and rehab.
June 30, 2023

A brave schoolboy is looking forward to the best summer holidays after learning how to walk all over again after he was involved in a horror car accident. Little Denis-Jack Ward, six, has defied all odds after he suffered a nasty open fracture to his leg when he was hit by a car in front
June 27, 2023

Julie Baker underwent lifesaving laryngectomy surgery (removal of the larynx) in St John’s Hospital after being diagnosed with throat cancer in August 2022.
May 26, 2023