Agata Zajac and baby son Nathan Lothian Hospital makes delivering babies Eco-Friendly

NHS Lothian is the first health board in Scotland to use new technology during childbirth which delivers a benefit to the environment as well as helping mums in labour.

November 19, 2021

Our Services Are Under Extreme Pressure NHS Lothian hospitals under immense pressure

NHS Lothian yesterday (Tues 25/10/2021) said its hospital sector was under immense pressure and urged patients not to attend A&E unless their condition was life threatening.

October 26, 2021

3-D model of a HDR prostate brachytherapy implant New Prostate Cancer Treatment Available at Edinburgh Cancer Centre

The Edinburgh Cancer Centre (ECC) is the first in Scotland to offer High-dose-rate brachytherapy (HDR-BT) for treatment of prostate cancer.

Dialysis Unit at the Western General HospitalBaby Grand Productions New Renal Dialysis Unit Opens at Western General Hospital

A new £6.2 million Renal Dialysis Unit has opened in Edinburgh serving patients from the north and west of the city.

October 21, 2021

Basil Brush on a computer screen It’s ‘Boom Boom’ time as NHS Lothian welcomes Basil Brush to the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People

NHS Lothian recently welcomed the most famous fox around, Mr Basil Brush to their Royal Hospital for Children and Young People. Taking a break from his sell-out festival show, Mr Brush popped into the hospital to lend a paw to a new video designed to provide children and young people with information before they attend an MRI scan.

October 14, 2021

NHS Lothian System Pressures piece on the BBC

Longer waiting times in our Emergency Departments are usually caused by the volume of activity going on in other parts of our healthcare system. Staff at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh talked to BBC Scotland's Health Correspondent Lisa Summers recently about what we call 'flow'.

October 12, 2021

Alice Henderson The nurses who nurture – the breastfeeding experts who are ready to answer your questions!

To celebrate World Breastfeeding Week, NHS Lothian infant & midwifery teams have been spending time answering some common questions around choosing to breastfeed your newborn.

July 30, 2021

Lothians & Edinburgh Abstinence Programme Logo Lothians and Edinburgh Abstinence Programme Expands

People living in Lothian with serious alcohol and drug problems can now access help from an expanded rehabilitation service.

July 23, 2021