
Mental Health Nurses Day

Karen Ozden photo in uniform
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Celebrating and thanking our Mental Health Nurses

On National Mental Health Nurses Day, I would like to sincerely thank all our mental health nurses for their commitment, contributions and hard work and celebrate the difference mental health nurses make to the lives of people affected by mental health difficulties, illnesses and associated conditions.

Pressures on the mental health nursing profession have never been greater. Working with people at a time in their lives when they are most vulnerable, unpredictable or distressed takes great skill, and it is extremely rewarding. It can at times however also be challenging, stressful and emotional.

We aren’t always able achieve the outcomes we intend for people, despite every effort to do so. People are unique and behaviours cannot always be predicted. But we are a profession that is eager to learn and continually improve what we do and how we do it. It is important for mental health nurses to engage in supervision and access support for personal resilience and wellbeing.

We continue to look at innovative ways that we can attract people into the mental health nursing profession and to identify and create opportunities for developing and retaining our existing nurses. Our mental health nursing workforce across Lothian and our regional services are extremely hard working, committed and skilled. Thank you so much to all our mental health nurses for everything you do! Every day you make a difference.

Welcome | Mental Health Nurses (mhnursesday.com)

– Dr Karen Ozden, Nurse Director Mental Health & Learning Disability, NHS Lothian

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