
Work on Anaesthetic Gases Wins Again

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The policy team making history in NHS Scotland by leading the move away from harmful medical gases to more sustainable gases has won a 2023 Scottish Public Service Award.

The win was announced at an awards ceremony in the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday 6 December.

Ms Alifia Chakera, Head of Pharmaceutical Sustainability for the Scottish Government, accompanied by Dr Sarah Cross and Dr Andrew Goddard, anaesthetists at St. John’s Hospital, Livingston won the Sustainability Award.

This was for their work to remove Desflurane, an environmentally damaging anaesthetic gas, by replacing it with a less harmful gas, Sevoflurane, across the NHS in Scotland.

Speaking after the event Alifia said the award was an enormous boost to everyone involved and was a clear message that the work done was pushing beyond established boundaries.

“By replacing the drug with equally safe and effective alternatives, the carbon footprint of volatile gases in Scotland has fallen by 94% since 2017.”

She said that over the next three years the medical gases project would continue to support NHS Boards to reduce their emissions, through the Nitrous Oxide Mitigation Project and National Green Theatres Programme.

Stuart Duncan, Deputy Director, Leading Improvement Team who coordinate the Sustainable Care workstream for the Scottish Government, said the award was extremely well deserved.

“Alifia and the medical gases team are working at the very heart of the NHS, with clinicians and those managing our estates. This is complex work that involves advanced technical knowledge and incredible people skills. This is a very proud moment for all of us in the Sustainable Care workstream and in the Director-General Health and Social Care.”

National Clinical Director Professor Jason Leitch, who leads the Sustainable Care workstream, said he was delighted the medical gases team had been recognised again.

“This is work that is attracting the attention of our colleagues around the world. The change being led by all those working Sustainable Care is impressive and I am tremendously proud to lead this workstream. Well done to Alifia and all those involved with this award.”

This is the second time the medical gases team has been commended. Earlier this year the team won the Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) Europe Award in Berlin.

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