
Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC)

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There have been reports in the media that some buildings in the NHS Estate across Scotland may have been constructed using Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC). This material, which was widely in use between 1960 and 1980, was used mainly for components such as roof and floor planks. It is known to be weaker than other forms of concrete and its use was phased out in the 1990’s.

Work is underway at a national level to check and risk assess all NHS buildings which may potentially contain RAAC. As part of that work, NHS Lothian has identified those candidate buildings in our Estate and supplied the information to NHS Scotland Assure. We have identified the following buildings as requiring investigation:

• Bonnyrigg Health Centre

• Lauriston Building

• Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion

• Royal Edinburgh Hospital – Cullen/River Centre Extension

• Royal Edinburgh Hospital – Link Corridor/X-Ray

• Stoneyburn Health Centre

• Tranent Medical Practice

• Western General Hospital – Gas Store

It is worth noting that the risk assessment that took place by NHS Scotland Assure was based on a desktop exercise and does not confirm the presence of RAAC within our buildings.

The next stage of the process will be for discovery surveys to be undertaken by an independent contractor appointed by NHS Assure to confirm or rule out the presence of RAAC within our buildings. This is a national process and the surveys are scheduled to be carried out in Lothian in the Autumn.

The output of these surveys will provide further information on any recommended remedial actions. This work is precautionary and not the result of any known issues in any of our buildings.

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