
NHS Lothian’s Neonatal Services receive accreditation from UNICEF

Infant Feeding team
Reading Time: 2 minutes

NHS Lothian’s Neonatal Services have been fully accredited as Baby Friendly by UNICEF UK. 

Independent assessors recognised the support Neonatal Services give to parents and babies to build close and loving relationships, as well as to increase breastfeeding rates and support mothers in breastfeeding.

The award reflects the service’s ongoing commitment to improve care for all infants and their families, particularly those born prematurely or with complex health needs. 

Mercedes Perez-Botella, Director of Midwifery for NHS Lothian, said: “This is fantastic news for families in Lothian and a big thank you needs to go to the infant feeding team and all those who work in our neonatal and special care units.

“We set out to ensure that all mothers, parents and babies are supported to form a close and loving relationship – whatever their choice of feeding method – and ensure the best start for every infant.

“We are delighted as this award builds on the accreditation we have for maternity, health visiting and family nursing services and recognises the support we provide to families at a really pivotal time.”

The Baby Friendly Initiative is a global programme which aims to transform healthcare for babies, their mothers and families as part of a wider global partnership between UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO).

In the UK, the Baby Friendly Initiative works with public services to better support families with feeding and developing close, loving relationships in order to ensure that all babies get the best possible start in life.

In recent years, Neonatal Services have been working hard to provide more parent-focused support, which includes skilled assessment of breastmilk expressing and breastfeeding, making skin-to-skin contact the norm for families where clinically possible, enabling parents to spend more time with their infants and upskilling staff.

The award was given to NHS Lothian neonatal services after an assessment by a UNICEF UK team recognised best practice standards are in place.

Anne Woods, UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative Deputy Programme Director, said: “We are delighted that Neonatal Services at NHS Lothian have achieved full Baby Friendly status.

“Our work to support breastfeeding is based on extensive and resounding evidence that breastfeeding saves lives, improves health and cuts costs in every country worldwide, rich and poor alike.

“Mothers in Lothian can be confident that neonatal practitioners will provide high standards of care.”

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