
National Student Volunteer Day – Sophia Tan

Sophia Tan
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Monday 20 February is National Student Volunteer Day. We have many student volunteers that help out our staff and patients in their day-to-day activities.

Sophia Tan, 20, started volunteering with NHS Lothian in November 2022 and has told us a little about her experience.

What university do you go to and what do you study?

I go to the University of Edinburgh and I study (BSc) Psychology.

Why did you want to volunteer with NHS Lothian?

On top of improving my CV, I’m interested in a career in clinical psychology, so I figured that by volunteering, I could get a better understanding of the people I’d be interacting and working with in that field.

What sort of volunteering have you been doing?

I’m a Meaningful Activities volunteer, so I mostly spend time with patients by chatting or playing games with them if they feel up to it! Sometimes I help them with simple tasks that they may feel shy about asking nurses to help with, or simply make them a cup of tea or coffee if they’d rather not talk. I occasionally help nurses with other tasks as well, like preparing utensils for the next meal, or passing out menus for the patients to fill for their next few meals.

What is the best thing about volunteering?

I think it would be all the insight that I’ve gotten into the daily lives of nurses and patients and what their experiences are like in the wards. It’s definitely helped me get a better sense of how the NHS operates in terms of post-hospital recovery and return to normalcy.

What would you say to those considering volunteering?

If you’re interested in a career with the NHS, I think it’d be very worth volunteering! It’s not as easy as it sounds, but it’s rewarding in terms of experience 😊 and you’d get to help out both nurses and patients at the same time!

For more information about volunteering with NHS Lothian and to get involved, please check: NHS Lothian Voluntary Services

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