
NHS Lothian Hosts Edinburgh Climate Meeting

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NHS Lothian took its turn to host the Edinburgh Climate Compact Quarterly Meeting on Thursday 30 June.  

The Edinburgh Climate Compact is a commitment by the leading businesses and employers in Edinburgh to act within their own organisation to contribute to a green recovery and radically reduce the city’s carbon emissions.

The Climate Compact outlines clear actions that organisations commit to in signing the document. 

NHS Lothian became a signatory in December 2020 and there are now 24 signatories from diverse organisations and businesses across the city. 

Hosting the Quarterly Meeting was an important opportunity for NHS Lothian to share their approach, with presentations from Daniel Mill, Senior Project Manager, on their most recent Carbon Emissions Report for 2020-2021 and from Dr Andrew Goddard, Consultant Anaesthetist, on their progress on medical gases

This also gave NHS Lothian the chance to reinforce the importance of tackling climate change for health and social justice, as well as to learn from other diverse organisations taking on this challenge. 

For more information on NHS Lothian’s mission to tackle climate change you can read NHS Lothian’s Sustainable Development Framework

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