
Post-natal Peer Support for Parents

Caroline Rodger, Breastfeeding Peer Supporter
Reading Time: 2 minutes

This World Breastfeeding Week, NHS staff, volunteers and mums across Lothian are sharing their tips and guidance with those who are just about to start their exciting new parental journey – maybe even for the first time.

It’s not just NHS Lothian midwifery teams and support staff who play a vital role in helping mothers make an informed choice about breastfeeding. Key partners in third sector organisations also help ease new mums through those crucial first few hours and days.

Caroline Rodger is a Breastfeeding Peer Supporter from NCT. She visits postnatal wards on a voluntary basis, providing a wealth of experience and empathy to new families on the NHS Lothian wards. She tells us more about her role in the postnatal pathway:

What are your daily tasks?

I visit the postnatal ward on a voluntary basis.  My role is to liaise with the midwifery team to identify parents on the ward who may benefit from peer support during the early stages of their breastfeeding journey.  These will always be parents and babies who are healthy and well, rather than those who require more medicalised or specific breastfeeding support.

I aim to provide parents who want to breastfeed with practical support and evidence-based information to equip them to go home feeling more confident with breastfeeding.  I can also signpost them to ongoing support should they require it further down the line.

For those women and parents who don’t require additional support I can be a friendly face, a warm smile and a listening ear.

What do you love most about the role?

For some people, the initial hours post birth can feel really daunting. Worries about breastfeeding can completely amplify these feelings. It is a pleasure to provide peer support and information to parents who are looking for it and it is truly a privilege to be able to support those parents to grow in confidence in their ability to breastfeed their babies.

What are some of the benefits of breastfeeding?

Where do I start! For the baby – tailored nourishment, disease protection, sense of safety, warmth.  For mum – bonding time, convenience, pride. There are too many to mention, but you can read the whole list here: https://www.nct.org.uk/baby-toddler/feeding/early-days/benefits-breastfeeding

What support is there for new mums?

New mums can find support from their midwives and Heath visitors. In addition, they can find support from other mums and parents at peer support groups such as Lothian Breastfeeding Buddies!

There are infant feeding teams, breastfeeding counsellors and board-certified lactation consultants. The support is out there, and it’s a case of ensuring mums are able to access it.

What is the most common question new mums ask you and what is the answer?

During my visits to the postnatal ward, I’ve found that the most common topics that comes up are positioning and attachment and milk supply. Mums are often looking for encouragement that their babies are attached well and I’m always happy to give information and practical support relating to this.

World Breastfeeding Week runs from Sunday 1 – Saturday 7 August. For even more information about breastfeeding, including tips for mothers and their partners, visit https://services.nhslothian.scot/feedingyourbaby

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