
Volunteers’ Week – Helen Cope

Volunteers Week 4
Reading Time: 2 minutes

For the past 80 years volunteers have been helping NHS Lothian achieve our goals in providing the best care for our patients. Whether it’s talking to patients and helping ease anxiety, serving refreshments or helping nurses with non-clinical tasks, our volunteers play a vital role.

Helen Cope, 42, started volunteering with NHS Lothian in January 2020 and has spent most of her time on Ward 43 at the Western General Hospital. She told us about a very personal motivation for getting involved: “I decided to start volunteering because I’d witnessed the amazing care given to a friend in hospital over several months. I was grateful to the NHS staff and wanted to give something back if I could.

“I had also been considering a career change into healthcare for some time and volunteering seemed like a good way to start testing the waters.”

Helen explained that the best bit of volunteering is the opportunity to do small things that make a big difference, she said: “I enjoy having the luxury of time – time to listen well, to pay close attention, and to do small ‘extras’ that noticeably impact the wellbeing of patients, visitors and staff. It is an extremely rewarding role and I have enjoyed the privilege of meeting so many amazing people.”

Whilst volunteering in hospitals many learn different things and pick up new skills, Heather has also gained more confidence to go for her dreams: “Volunteering has taught me to notice more what is going on around me rather than being caught up in my own head. Whilst carrying out my role I have spent a lot of time observing people, looking for signs and cues of what they might need, listening and engaging with them. That is something I don’t just switch off when I’m not volunteering.

“My confidence to engage with people has grown and I am more likely to smile at people in the street or notice someone struggling and offer a hand. Ultimately, I guess I learned that I can still be a ‘people person’ even though I’m naturally quiet and that gave me the confidence to pursue a career in nursing.”

Helen is now a first-year student nurse and has just started her 3rd trimester at Napier University. Helen will also be starting work on the staff bank shortly as a Health Care Support Worker.

Helen has plenty of encouragement for those who may not be sure about volunteering. She said,  “Don’t let the uncertainty stop you from investigating. Talk to the volunteer managers and be open about your concerns. They are very approachable, have a lot of experience and can give good guidance. Of course, if you know or see any volunteers about, ask them about their experiences also. If you are still unsure after all this, I’d say just go for it and give it a try. You will learn something in the process, meet some amazing people, and you won’t be left wondering ‘what if?’ For me, volunteering has opened up a whole new career path, which I cannot wait to begin!”

If you would like to find out more about our current volunteering opportunities and to find out more about what is involved please check: https://www.nhslothian.scot/GetInvolved/Volunteering/Pages/default.aspx

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