
Volunteers’ Week – Pat Appleby

Volunteers Week 1
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Volunteers’ play an important part in patient experience across all of our NHS Lothian sites. We have some who have been with us for many years and some who have joined in response to the COVID pandemic. This week we are sinning a spotlight on some of our amazing helpers.

Patricia Appleby, 63, started volunteering with us at the beginning of the pandemic after seeing the struggles healthcare staff and patients were facing in her husband’s native country, Italy and here in Scotland.

Although retired, Pat still does supply teaching in local primary schools as well as volunteering for NHS Lothian. Pat said: “I wanted to do something to help the NHS. I felt I still had some skills to offer which may be of some help: a sympathetic ear, making a cuppa, whatever was needed, really.”

Based at Findlay House, Pat has mostly enjoyed helping and interacting with patients just as much as they have benefited from her support. 

“I love listening to the patients, talking about their interests and their families. We have a laugh and enjoy some jokes together. If patients have an interest, I will try to support it, find out more for them if it’s appropriate and perhaps resource supporting materials.

“I’m basically a gofer who can help free up staff time to focus on medical matters. That makes me feel useful. Patients are incredibly grateful if you can help find their specs, clean their lenses, tie a shoelace, find false teeth, and comb their hair, etc.  Small things can make such a difference to patients.”

Getting patients out of the usual hospital settings and into the garden on site is a particular highlight for Patricia as she initially put her green fingers to use and planted all the donations of wildflower seeds, vegetables and plants. A walk to the garden enables patients to escape their health worries for a bit and enjoy a change of scenery.

“I really love birds and nature and I’ve found that many patients do too. Patients have found their trips to the garden or courtyard a pleasant distraction and very enjoyable.”

Pat has encourages anyone who is thinking about volunteering to come and join. She said, “Give it a try, I guarantee you will learn something new …even about yourself.

“You may be like me, I thought I was offering my skills to help others, but really those others have helped me and I didn’t think I needed any help!

“I’ve learned new skills myself and I’ve learned more about people than I ever did before. I’ve become a more effective listener; I’m better at small talk now. By observing effective, caring staff, I’ve picked up some good habits which I can use with patients and people generally, in my own small way.

“You can opt into great training courses, courses that are useful for life in general and they’re free!

“Volunteering has given me a different perspective on life and has altered what I thought were my very important priorities – which they really weren’t. I would truly recommend volunteering to everyone.”

For more information on our volunteering roles and how you can join us please check: https://www.nhslothian.scot/GetInvolved/Volunteering/Pages/vacancies.aspx

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